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Shades 2.0


Interest age 12 + years | Reading age 9 - 10 years

This series offers fast-paced, shorter novels (just 64pp each) for older readers who may find longer books too daunting, but who still want the excitement of a great story told with pace and style.

There are 61 books books available in this series. There are 45 Shades 2.0 books, each offering a full 64-page story. Then 12 Sharp Shades 2.0 reading books offer the same style of fast-paced stories as those in Shades 2.0, but these stories are shorter and use simpler language. Each book is the same length as the Shades 2.0 books, but these books are illustrated and also feature a larger font. This makes them ideal for less-able readers.

The four Shades Shorts 2.0 books are each based upon a theme. Each book features four short (1,500-word) stories, written by a Shades author. Perfect for readers with less stamina or those simply looking for a quick read.

This is a welcome relaunch of a much-loved series that had sadly become unavailable. For this relaunch the stories have been updated and revised by the authors. Ransom have already added new titles to the series and more exciting stories will follow.


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Series contents

46 reading books


Anne Cassidy, David Belbin, David Orme, Mary Chapman, Helen Orme, John Townsend, Malcolm Rose, Jo Cotterill, Penny Bates, Alan Durant, Tish Farrell, Dennis Hamley, Clare Lawrence, Gillian Philiip, Ann Ruffell, Jill Atkins, Anne Rooney, Julia Williams, Barbara Catchpole